Synthetic Turf Putting Courses

Tour Greens synthetic turf putting courses are quickly becoming a favorite amenity of hotels, resorts and living communities. Tour Greens Nebraska can design and install putting courses for both indoor and outdoor applications, providing a safe, fun activity for all ages.

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Transform your Existing Space

Synthetic turf putting courses provide a fun, low-maintenance surfacing alternative to traditional landscape and courtyard areas. Tour Greens Minnesota putting courses provide a vibrant, natural look that is an excellent addition to any lawn or landscape.

Customizable Designs

Tour Greens Nebraska will help you design a unique putting course that will integrate perfectly with your space. We can also design additional amenities depending on your space and budget requirements.

Perfect for Space Limited Environments

Our designers have extensive experience integrating putting courses in areas with limited space, and can work around areas with existing plants and landscape additions. A previously empty or unusable area can be turned into a new, popular guest amenity!